Radhakrishnamai passed away at the age of 35. Reference: Devotees’ Experiences

Madrasi Bhajan Group came to Shirdi. Baba gave darshan to the lady as Sree Ram and changed the attitude of her husband in a dream vision. Reference: Satcharita Chp.29, ovis 2, 40 and 81, 82 onwards

Nephew of the doctor from Malegaon was cured of a bone tuberculosis with Udi and the doctor himself took Baba’s darshan. Reference: Satcharita Chp. 34, ovi 5 onwards and ovi 31,45 etc.

Dabholkar retired. On the occasion of Gurupurnima Annasaheb Chinchanikar, on his own, appealed to Baba to ensure that Dabholkar gets another assignment. Reference: Satcharita Chp.3, ovis 72-73

Vijaya - Dashmi (Dussehra) 1916 Baba indicated that his Mahasamadhi would take place at the time of Seemolanghan in the future, when he became anger personified and threw off his clothes in the Dhuni. Reference: Satcharita Chp.42, ovi 18 onwards

Ramchandra Dada Patil became ill and Baba gave him a dream darshan and told him that Tatya Kote Patel would pass away two years hence, substituting Tatya’s name for his own, at Vijayadashmi day. Reference: Satcharita Chp.42, ovi 45 onwards

Gopal Narayan Ambdekar, a devotee from Pune came to Shirdi. Because of his financial state, he decided to commit suicide but Baba saved him. Reference: Satcharita Chp.26, ovi 114

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